
Adobe photo elements 15
Adobe photo elements 15

Do this by choosing Window > Reset Panels or by pressing the Reset panels button ( ) in the Options bar. Before starting, make sure your tools and panels are consistent with the examples presented in these lessons by resetting the panel locations. Within the Photoshop Elements Editor: The Photoshop Elements Editor defaults to the last panel layout that you used. See “Adding files and folders to the Organizer” located in Lesson 1. In order to access these files in the Organizer, you need to import them. Make sure that you have downloaded the Lessons folder onto your hard–drive. Within the Photoshop Elements Organizer: You will work with several files from the Lessons folder in this lesson. You can post photos online, or e-mail them to family and friends, have photos professionally printed by online providers, or print them at your convenience on your home printer. Photoshop Elements makes it easy for you to share and print your images. Photoshop Elements Tutorial: Sharing Your Photos in Photoshop Elements

adobe photo elements 15

It is the sixth lesson in the Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Digital Classroom book. This tutorial provides you with a foundation for working with sharing in Adobe Photoshop Elements. What you’ll learn in this Photoshop Elements Tutorial: Graphic Design for High School Students.

Adobe photo elements 15